"Ko di? Cours de dioula": Book Show and Tell


Aw ni ce! I'm excited to announce the release of a new video on AKT.

This time, it’s something new: a “Show and Tell” video where I present and comment on a book from my Manding language collection.

For this first pilot episode, I chose two editions of the out-of-print book "Ko di? Cours de dioula" by Dumestre and Retord (1974, 1981).

In the video, I cover the following:

  • Structure of the book

  • The cover art

  • The differences between the two editions in terms of format and typesetting

  • The artwork/photography in both editions

  • The use of the “cover-up method” for the book’s exercises

If you enjoy the video and would like to see similar presentations from my collection, please let me know!