Intermediate Bambara Seminar


Explore, translate and discuss an authentic piece of Bambara/Jula language content in a small seminar-style class!

(Join the mailing list to know about future cohorts!)

💡 What is the Intermediate Bambara Seminar?

The Intermediate Bambara/Jula Seminar is an online program designed for students at the Intermediate or Advanced level.

Here’s how it works:

  • You read, watch or listen Manding language content (e.g., a text, video or audio recording) as your weekly homework. This might be a complete piece or just an excerpt.

  • You join me and a few classmates for a weekly class session to explore, translate and discuss the selected Bambara/Jula language media in terms of vocab, grammar and culture.

Between seminar sessions, you connect and practice with me and your classmates in dedicated online community spaces.

✅ Overview

  • Duration: 12 weeks

  • Prereqs: Completion/Knowledge of the grammar and vocab covered in the Beginner Bambara course and Advanced Beginner Bambara program.

  • Structure:

    • Read, watch or listen to a reading or media assignment that you complete on your time [approx. 30-60 min]

    • Attend weekly class with me and the other students in the program [1 hour]

    • Stick around for optional office hours for questions or conversation practice [30 minutes]

    • Connect, practice and study with your classmates (and me) in dedicated online community spaces

  • Assignments: Variable depending on student preferences and needs. Possible content includes various adaptations of Bambara/Dioula language media such as:

  • Class Size: 3-6 people

  • Cost: TBD

  • Dates: Sep — Dec 2024

  • Conversation Class Meeting Time: TBD

Join the mailing list to know about the next cohort.

🤔 Questions?

What is the class size for the cohort? Six people max.
Can you explain more about the online community spaces? How are they used for practice and study? The community spaces are a private Discord server and a private sub-section of the Forum. Via chat, audio/video calls, you can use them as a place to practice, interact or collaborate with me and your cohort mates.
Is participation in the community spaces a required part of the course? No, but they are a big perk!
What if I miss a live seminar class? Are there make-up sessions or recordings available? No. If you miss a live seminar class session, it's on you.
How flexible are the weekly assignments in terms of deadlines? You can do the assignments for each week whenever you want before the weekly seminar class.
What technical requirements or software do I need for the course? For the weekly assignments, you can use any device with a modern web browser and a good internet connection. For the weekly conversation classes, you need a desktop device with a microphone, a camera, a modern web browser, a good internet connection, and potentially video conferencing software such as Zoom or Discord, etc.
Is there a specific platform or app used for the assignments and weekly conversation classes? The weekly assignments will be provided in different formats (i.e., PDF, GoogleDoc, web-based video, webpage, etc) based on need. The weekly seminar classes will place video video conference call using a software like Zoom or Discord.
What are the payment options and is there a payment plan available? You pay via credit or debit card. I don't have the option for a payment plan at this time.

Something else? Contact me!