Helping Your Child Learn Manding


A Language Transmission Write-Up for Parents and Families

This is a write-up for parents, families and/or caretakers (in particular, in mixed/bicultural couples and/or the West African diaspora living abroad) to help transmit Manding language varieties (Bambara, Jula, and Maninka) to their children.

General Advice

My friend and colleague who I did my PhD in Educational Linguistics said this and I think that it's solid advice:

Mostly as a parent but also a little as a linguist I would say try and ensure that your kids can maintain meaningful relationships with speakers of the "target language" and that you find special ways to use it in your everyday life

Relevant Articles

Content, Media, Activities, etc.

Here is a list of content, media and other resources that can be useful for the following:

  • Exposing your child to Manding language varieties
  • Encouraging them to speak the language with you
  • Helping them formally learn the language if they need help

Podcasts and Audio Resources

Podcasts and audio resources can be a great way to passively or actively expose your child to Manding language varieties.

Podcasts for kids

  • None that I know of :-/

Podcasts for adults (but that kids can hear/listen to)

Podcasts for learning Bambara/Jula


  • None that I know of :-/

Oral literature in audio format

Music and Songs

Nursery rhymes and children's songs

Traditional music

  • Nothing here yet

Modern music for older kids or adolescents

  • Tiken Jah Fakoly
  • Oumou Sangaré

Books and E-Books

Children's Books

Bilingual books for young readers

E-books and digital stories


Manding language board games, card games, etc

Educational Videos and Shows

YouTube channels with Manding language content

Animated videos/shows in Manding

Manding language learning videos

Apps and Digital Learning Tools

Apps and other digital learning tools that might be helpful for you and your family!

Online courses and apps for learning Manding


Cultural Resources

Media (books, videos, podcasts, etc) in English or French, but that is relevant for learning about Manding-speaking culture and society.


  • "Ségou" by Maryse Condé

Movies and Videos

  • Nothing here yet

Podcasts and Audio

  • Nothing here yet

Worksheets and Printables

Things that you and your child can print and do at home for a learning activity!


  • My Bambara Worksheets — An An ka taa project that is in development. Email me if you are interested in seeing a draft version and providing feedback.

Coloring books, activities, games, etc

Nothing here yet

Events and Meetups

Events or meetups that can help immerse your child in Manding language and/or culture

Virtual and in-person meetups for kids/families

Nothing here yet

Workshops and language camps

Nothing here yet

Cultural festivals and events

Nothing here yet

Immersion Classes and Schools

Some individuals, associations and language education businesses that offer or have offered classes for kids before.

Support and Community Groups

Nothing here yet

Other Websites Focused on Raising Bilingual Children


Got feedback? Am I missing something? Did you find a typo? I'd love to hear from you!