Talk about the Weather in Bambara! [Advanced Beginner Lesson]


Aw ni ce! I'm excited to share my latest An ka taa video, which is now available on YouTube channel.

It has a practical title:

Avanced Beginner Bambara Lesson: Weather Dialog & Grammar Points

You can watch it here or in the embed below:

It’s a sample lesson from a new virtual Advanced Beginner Bambara textbook that is available for An ka taa students in the Library of learning materials (which you can access via subscription like this one).

I’ve recently been using it as a part of a pilot version of the Advanced Beginner Bambara program that I’ve been running with a small cohort of students.

In the video, I lead you through the folllowing:

  • Listening and reading a short dialog text about the weather

  • The major grammar points of the dialog:

    • 1) Expressing "to like" with X ka di Y ye

    • 2) Sequential verb constructions with ka

    • 3) Determiners

    • 4) The particle sa

I hope you find it helpful in your Bambara learning! Any questions or feedback, let me know!

PS - For videos at a similar list, check out the “Bambara/Dioula for Advanced Beginners” playlist.