Let's Go!


Learn Manding—commonly referred to as Bambara, Dioula, Malinké or Mandingo!


An ka taa is an initiative to offer modern educational media, resources and lessons for current and emergent speakers of Manding—so there are no barriers to learning or using one of Africa’s most important languages.

Learn Manding

Beginner Bambara/Dioula Course

Level A1

Start learning today!

What's Included

Video lessons, written chapters, vocab lists, interactive exercises, a schedule and more, so that you can communicate with people in and from Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso.

Learn More & Sign Up

Beginner Maninka Course

Level A1

Start learning completely from scratch!

A full online course so you can communicate with people in and from Guinea (as well as parts of Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Senegal).

Learn More & Sign Up



Supplement or go beyond online coursework with private lessons with me! In English or French, and tailored to your needs as a beginner, a rusty Peace Corps volunteer, or a heritage learner from the West African diaspora.

Keep Learning Manding

Library Pass

Practice your Bambara, Dioula or Malinké dɔɔnin-dɔɔnin!

Get access to a library of digital chapters with video, vocab, audio flashcards, and interactive exercises.

Sign Up


Go beyond the basics with companion learning materials for videos series like Basic Bambara, Na baro kè, Kuma Bakolo, etc.


Free resources to start learning Manding on your own.

🎬 Video Series


Basic Bambara

Step-by-step grammar lectures from a returned Peace Corps volunteer and PhD linguist.

Na baro kè

Street-side chats with everyday people. Subtitled in Manding, English and French so you won’t miss a word.


More Resources



Learn alongside a first-time student!


Mobile-friendly & searchable Manding dictionary!


Manding language questions & answers!


I ni ce!
Hi! Bonjour!


I’m Coleman and I’m the linguistic anthropologist behind An ka taa.

I’ve been speaking, teaching and exploring Manding and related varieties such as Bambara, Dioula and Malinké since 2009 when I was in the Peace Corps.

Learn more about me!

Become a patron

The current landscape of for-profit companies and educational institutions does not support the use or learning of African languages like Manding. With high-quality, accessible media and resources, I believe we can change this situation.

For as little as $3 a month, you can help AND you’ll get a perk or two in return.

Learn More